19 Maggio 2024

Inspection visit for new plants of Deltacque Srl in Russia

30-09-2016 11:15 - Depuration news
Roberto Lupo
Released in March 2016, this item of widespread tested journalist nell´Oblast ´Tver´, describes the inspection carried out at the Volga Tannery of Ostashkov.
To act as a guide for inspectors is Dr. Giuseppe Sarti (center in clear photos), representative of the Italian company "DELTACQUE Srl"

The article briefly describes how to implement the program on the recovery of the wastewater treatment process, at the Tannery Volga.
The company has developed a plan to reduce the discharge of pollutants that can harm the environment.
The control visiting delegation has signed a contract for the reconstruction of treatment plants of polluting discharges.
The central focus of the new measures is the separation of waste from different production processes of the hides for a cleaning and a more effective treatment.

Source: Seliger news - www.seliger-news.ru

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