19 Settembre 2024

Waste Water Treatment Plant

deltacque roberto lupo
The Deltacque method solves the pollution problem in the effluents, resulting from the civil and industrial production, in a simple and economic way, developing a W.W.T.P. for each situation.
The Deltacque purification system is based on biodynamic principles, fundamentals for the pollutant part digestion, where bacteria and pollutant part live in a dynamic balance. This balance is maintained permanent through the optimisation of the biological cycle, the use of new generation machinery and the experience acquired during the years from Deltacque.
Deltacque uses its knowledge to follow the parameters that regulate this balance and then maximize the disintegration of the pollutant part, improving the performance of the treatment plant.The biological treatment plants, born during 30 years in the world, have different conditions of temperature, altitude, kind of discharge, law parameters of the discharge, due to their different dislocations. This condition allows Deltacque to know and face each kind of problem, always thinking at first at the economic and technical needs of the customer and respect for the environment.
The Deltacque method produces indisputable benefits, as:
- Abatement of COD/BOD until 95%;
- Reduction of the management and maintenance expenses: after the start up, the plant needs few operations of management and maintenance;
- Decrease of the use of the chemicals: the biological cycle guarantees a good production without the use of chemicals and, consequently, a reduction of the expenses;
- Reduction of the overflow sludge produced: the quantity of sludge is reduced by a small use of chemicals, so a part of the sludge can be recycled inside the plant;
- Elimination of the bad odours emissions: Deltacque assures the absence of bad odour, using the oxygen in the atmosphere to execute an aerobic oxidation.

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