19 Settembre 2024
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World Water Day 2019

20-03-2019 08:33 - Events
World Water Day is a celebration established by the United Nations in 1992.
Every year on 22nd of March the nations belonging to the ONU are invited to carry out initiatives that have the purpose of drawing public attention to the critical issue of water in our era, with a focus on access to sweet-water and the sustainability aquatic habitats.
The theme of the 2019 edition is “Leaving no one behind" and many companies will take initiatives to raise awareness of the annual theme.
Aquarno on 23rd of March confirms the initiative "A spasso per l'Aquarno" with guided visits to the depuration plant, the Ecoespanso plant and a tanning industry thanks to the students of the district who participated in the "Amici per la Pelle" project. The usual "Marcia dell'Acqua" and the "2° Trofeo Aquagility" will unfold between the two plants.

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